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Why Is The Tower Fan Not Working? Here Are The Possible Reasons

Written by Ethan
Updated on June 22, 2021

How To Fix Common Tower Fan Issues - Our Best Troubleshooting Guide

Even though tower fans are one of the most durable types of coolers on the market, they can still run into problems that can cause them to stop working when you need them most.

From your tower fan getting stuck, to rattling or squeaking, several issues might be occurring with your tower fan, these issues can often be difficult to troubleshoot, as the mechanisms are enclosed within the fan. 

So, to help you figure out what is wrong with your tower fan and how to fix it, we have listed out the common problems that can happen in a tower fan below, along with their solutions so as you can your fan back up and running again in time for the heat!

How Does a Tower Fan Work?

Before we can understand how to identify issues in a tower fan and fix them, it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with parts inside of one and how they work.

These fans operate by using an electric motor behind the grill, this electric motor turns the small impeller blades inside of the fan to produce a wind cooling effect from the air inside of your room, the extra circulation in the room then, in turn, makes the room feel cooler.

Tower fans often appear bladeless because of their design, they also vary in power, so the higher the watts you get on a fan, the better it will be.

Do Tower Fans Need Maintenance?

Tower fans, unlike other fans, do not need a lot of maintenance, they do benefit however from being cleaned inside and out, and also require a small amount of lubrication on their bearings, but this is only needed once in a while.

To keep your tower fan in shape, you simply need to ensure that you set it upright and use the correct electrical socket for it to function, however, like all electrical appliances, these fans can run into some problems.

Why Did My Tower Fan Stop Working?

You might have resurfaced your tower fan this summer only to find it has stopped working, or it doesn't turn like it used to, maybe it's become very noisy, even when you turn it down to a low speed.

Tower fans do not come cheap, especially for the high-quality brands such as Dyson, so it's important to troubleshoot and repair the issues right away before it gets any worse. Always ensure you will not void your warranty by taking the tower fan apart, if so you may have to send it off to the manufacture to get repaired.

We have listed out the typical problems you might run into with a tower fan below, along with their solutions.

Why Does My Tower Fan Rattle?

If your tower fan is rattling, most likely this is down to something being loose within the fan and can luckily be easily remedied. When there are loose plastic bits or screws, this will make a rattling noise as the fan oscillates around the room.


First of all, you can unscrew the grill and check the circuit board, this should be pretty easy to gain access to by removing a few screws (just make sure you don't lose them), make sure all the components are tight and where they should be, you can always tighten any loose parts with electrical tape.

You can also check the base of the fan and make sure it's firmly on, as this can cause rattling sounds too. Re-assemble the fan and ensure every screw is tightened on the fan, plug it back in and listen to see if the rattling noise has gone.

Why Is My Tower Fan Squeaking?

Another worrying and not to mention annoying noise that could be coming from your tower fan is squeaking. Squeaking can occur in your fan when oscillating and this is most commonly caused by an old and stiff bearing on your tower fan.

If your tower fan is old and has not been maintained with lubrication, then squeaking noises will happen eventually.


Disassemble your tower fan until you can locate the bearing, the bearings of your fan will often be located at either the top or the bottom of the blades, once you find it apply some lubrication, this could be WD-40 or another oil you have on hand.

Re-assemble the fan and the squeaking noise should be gone, if not you may require another bearing.

Why Is My Tower Fan So Loud?

Loud tower fans can be distracting and are not pleasant to have in the room while you are trying to work or watch TV. A tower fan will often become loud when used on a high-speed setting, but if yours has become unusually loud this might be down to it being dirty, unbalanced or parts need tightening.


Disassemble your tower fan and clean it thoroughly, make sure to get rid of any dust with compressed air and a vacuum, when you put your fan back together make sure to tighten every screw too.

Also consider where your tower fan is, if it's on a table or an unbalanced area, this could be making the fan noisier as it rotates, tower fans are only designed to be used on the floor, so try moving its location to see if this makes a difference with the noise.

Tower Fan Making Clicking Noise?

A clicking noise will often come from your tower fan if there are loose parts or the bearing has become out of position, causing a clicking noise when the fan performs a rotation.

Both issues can be solved pretty easily, you just need to make sure you have some rubber and a screwdriver on hand!


To fix the loose parts on your tower fan you simply just need to check that every screw is tight enough and the base is also not loose. If everything seems to be where it should be then you will need to disassemble the fan and adjust the bearing.

Always give your tower fan a clean around these parts too and lubricate them to avoid any friction.

Tower Fan Making Grinding Noise?

Grinding noises can come from the electric motor playing up inside of your fan, you may also have debris stuck between the blades which prevent the fan from fully oscillating, thus giving a grinding effect.


Take off the grill on your fan and blow the blades with some compressed air to remove any stuck debris, also check the motor behind the fan and clean it with a vacuum, watch out for burning sounds, as this can be a sign your motor is being overworked.

Why Is My Tower Fan Not Oscillating?

One of the last issues that might be happening with your tower fan is when it gets stuck rotating. This could be due to rusty bearings or gears, a damaged power cord or another type of electrical failure.


Check the power cord of your tower fan and make sure it's not damaged or pinched, additionally look to see if any moisture or water has got into your fan. If both of the above are fine then take off your fans housing and lubricate the gears and bearings.

Frequently Asked Questions About Why a Tower Fan Is Not Working

What are some other typical issues that happen with a tower fan?

Overheating, no power and no air can also be common issues that occur with a tower fan, some of these can be resolved by just simply giving the fan a good clean.

Do tower fans come with a warranty?

The best tower fans should come with at least a one-year warranty, however, you want to make sure you don't void this by opening up the fan if it's still valid, check what the manufacturer allows before attempting any of the above solutions.

Last Words

Overall, tower fans are very durable but must be kept clean and in a good location to avoid blockages and unusual sounds, make sure to always lubricate the bearings on your fan too and keep it away from water to avoid any electrical failures.


Heya'll Im Ethan, I run TowerFanReviews.UK. By trade an Electrical Engineer, an owner of a fan shop. Always being asked about my recommendations for tower fans, I created this site. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out :)
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