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Status Tower Fan Review 2023 - 2024

Written by sam
Updated on December 29, 2022

Status Tower Fan Review

Status International is an electrical ware company which operates internationally. While they make cooling fans, the company is also known for a wide range of products. Among these are electrical heaters, light bulbs, extension cords for your plug sockets, and small domestic appliances.

However, Status fans are the focus of today's product review, and with such a wide range available it can be hard to choose one for yourself. 

We'll be taking a look at the Status 29 inch tower fan, which boasts about its portability and multiple speed settings.

STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
Our Score
  • 3 speed settings
  • Oscillating Function
  • 1.8 metre cable (approx)
  • Built in carry handle
  • Portable

Of course, the more tech savvy readers out there will quickly understand - these features aren't anything new. Many fans boast speed settings among other key features. 

So what really sets Status apart? That's what we'll be looking at today as we review the Status 29 inch tower fan. 

Features of Status Fans

Status fans can vary greatly. You can get your most basic desk fans to cool you, or for larger rooms you can purchase a larger tower fan. 

Tower fans are better at cooling whole rooms, perfect for a family home. Status, like most tower fans, offers oscillation for the fan to automatically rotate. 

STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
Our Score
  • 3 speed settings
  • Oscillating Function
  • 1.8 metre cable (approx)
  • Built in carry handle
  • Portable

With three speed settings, you can also customise your cooling experience to your own needs. Lower settings can take the edge off a particularly cloudless day, while the highest will keep you cool during even the worst heat waves.

The 29 inch size is also more compact than some other tower fans. While not perfect for a large living room, for a home office it is ideal. 

Benefits of Status Fans

Although 29 inches may not sound portable or practical, the Status tower fan does come with a fitted carry handle. This goes a long way in keeping the product easy to move around. 

Being shorter than most other tower fans while equally slim, the Status 29 inch tower fan can easily fit into smaller spaces. Perfect for if you're moving and need to slot it into the boot of your car. 

Being a floor mounted fan, Status provides an electric cord for continued use. The true benefit however? That's in the 1.8 metre length of the plug wire!

STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
Our Score
  • 3 speed settings
  • Oscillating Function
  • 1.8 metre cable (approx)
  • Built in carry handle
  • Portable

This extra long length wire can help you avoid the need for extension cords, which can leave a room looking messy with jumbles of wires and plugs every where. 

Thankfully, this isn't as much of an issue with Status fans, which comes supported by a stable base for the tower.

Downsides to the Status Fan Range

The general issues concerning the fan are based around the product's power. Being compact and portable is one thing, but not being strong enough is another. 

The long wire does little to help provide some strength to the product, meaning you will likely end up having it stuck on the highest speed setting at all times to get even just a little relief. 

Although the tower's base is stable, it will need assembly on arrival. If you have difficulty fitting the floor plate, then it can leave the fan unstable and wobbly. 

STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
Our Score
  • 3 speed settings
  • Oscillating Function
  • 1.8 metre cable (approx)
  • Built in carry handle
  • Portable

This isn't ideal for a family home with children or pets, especially as the tower base is made of a rather thin plastic material. 

This thin plastic can snap with enough pressure applied to it, so be careful when putting the Status tower fan together as the last thing you want is to break it after purchase. 

Noise is another common complaint among buyers of the Status 29 inch tower fan. Being very loud, it doesn't come with the same features offered by other fan competitors. 

The main one of these being a sleep mode, which will gradually lower in power and reduce noise over time, until it turns itself off totally. The Status fan does not have a sleep mode.

Our Review

In our honest opinion, is the Status fan worth the more than £30 asking price? Not really, as it comes with several flaws that set it back. 

The entire product is designed in a way which cuts corners, and the end result is noticeably cheap. 

The Status fan ends up being a loud, flimsy, and inferior product to its competitors. Most users find store bought brands of fans work just as well, if not better. 

That's right, buying a fan from Lidl or Asda can be as good as this Status 29 inch tower fan. The only difference is, you won't be spending more than £30. 

STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
STATUS Tower Fan | 29 Inch Portable Oscillating Fan | 3 Speed Adjustable Angle Tower Fan | White | S29TOWERFAN1PKB
Our Score
  • 3 speed settings
  • Oscillating Function
  • 1.8 metre cable (approx)
  • Built in carry handle
  • Portable
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